I loed Cuba and eerything about it - except the flights there and back. I´m sure the plane was older than me and we were flying over or through storms. I am not the best flyer at any time.
I had meant to say that, if we didn´t land safely on terrra firma, I hae had a great life, better than expected in so many ways with few regrets and none that I couldn´t get over.....................eventually.
So when we landed in Canun it was with mixed feeling about leaving Cuba and heading on what is the homeward stretch.
When we first came to Canun it seemed quite third world. After Cuba it seems modern.
We are staying in the eco hotel again, compared to Cuba it is like Disneyland of the plenty.
Cuba is poor but really easy to trael in. If you have money, as anyone who an travel to Cuba does it is great. We had a few talks with the loals about politics, their free education and health systems. Again a Doctor will earn as muh in a week as I earn in an hour so motiation is low.
I have been summoned..................
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