Monday, 23 May 2011

It's Sunday.

Jackson had stayed the night in Brooklyn so we thought we'd go over, get him, and spend the day there.  Coney Island has just been upgraded and sounded like a fun thing to do.

We caught up with some friends and headed to the boardwalk which I'm sure is beautiful on a nice day but it was 55 degrees and the clothes I brought with me were not expecting wintery weather.

 We had two teenage boys with us and the rides looked like too much fun not to put them on so we headed into the fairground to the steeplechase roller coaster which has been named a New York land mark. Jane hopped on with them and she made it look like so much fun, I fumbled around with my iphone trying to take photos but just ended up with just sky or scaffolding and my feet..

I don't do rollercoasters, I find the Carousel enough for me or the dodgem cars.

 The boys did a few more rides then we thought we'd head to Nathan's for cheese fries.  The health food of the nation.  We passed a thing called the slingshot and the adults thought this was one not to be missed, so we convinced the Jackson and Tyler to get on.  It is a cage like ball that two sit in, which is suspended by bungy ropes on either side.  They make sure you are well strapped in and it is all well tied down then count backwards till you are sufficiently shitting, then let it go.  It flings 260 feet straight up into the air, like a reverse bungy jump, we knew the boys would be freaking out, but we were having too much fun watching and cheering.

They landed looking suitably green and we headed for the fries.  By this time I would have eaten anything warm, it had gotten colder and even buying a Coney Island hoody didn't help.

Nathan's has been around for ever and they were doing a roaring trade, they turn over around twenty people per minute.   I decided cheese fries were not for me and had New England clam chowder and a soft shell crab sandwich.  Mmmm Mmmmmm.

We went back to the fairground and played with BB machine guns and laser rifles till we were all freezing and headed back to Michelle and Camelo's.

More food and stories, Carmelo was in a punk bank back in the day and has great connections in the music industry, so he had plenty of colourful stories.  He also worked for greenpeace, a punk greenie.    Then we had more food till I was so stuffed I couldn't even eat chocolate.

Day one down.  I love New Yorkers.  But please, stop feeding me.

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